Query Metrics

11 Database Queries
Different statements
3.66 ms Query time
Invalid entities

Grouped Statements

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Time Count Info
0.30 ms
# cache-id-loader
                SELECT `value` FROM app_config WHERE `key` = :key
0.17 ms
# dbal-plugin-loader
               `base_class` AS baseClass,
               IF(`active` = 1 AND `installed_at` IS NOT NULL, 1, 0) AS active,
               `managed_by_composer` AS managedByComposer,
               composer_name as composerName
        FROM `plugin`
        ORDER BY `installed_at`;
0.32 ms
SELECT, custom_entity.fields
                FROM custom_entity
                    LEFT JOIN app ON = custom_entity.app_id
                WHERE custom_entity.app_id IS NULL OR = 1
0.14 ms
SELECT `creation_timestamp`
                FROM `migration`
                WHERE `update` IS NOT NULL AND `update_destructive` IS NULL
0.28 ms
SET @@group_concat_max_len = CAST(IF(@@group_concat_max_len > 320000, @@group_concat_max_len, 320000) AS UNSIGNED);SET sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''))
0.24 ms
SELECT configuration_key, configuration_value FROM system_config WHERE sales_channel_id IS NULL ORDER BY sales_channel_id ASC
0.36 ms
SELECT last_updated_password_at FROM user WHERE id = :userId
0.28 ms
SELECT item_rounding FROM currency WHERE id = :id
0.19 ms
SELECT role.privileges FROM acl_user_role mapping INNER JOIN acl_role role ON mapping.acl_role_id = WHERE mapping.user_id = :userId
0.17 ms
SELECT admin FROM `user` WHERE id = :id
1.21 ms
SELECT `key` as array_key, `pool`, `cluster`, `key`, `count`
            FROM `increment`  WHERE `cluster` = :cluster AND `pool` = :pool
            ORDER BY `count` DESC, `updated_at` DESC

Database Connections

There are no configured database connections.

Entity Managers

There are no configured entity managers.

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping